Introduction to Erlik's Robotworld
Episode 1 :The Cover. / The first page
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Introduction to Erlik's RobotWorld: the comic

Erlik's RobotWorld is a weekly online sci-fi comic book (webcomic) that updates on thursdays evenings. The events take place on a world where humans have been replaced by an imperium run by robots. The robotic operative "I", a member of this imperium's secret police is given a mysterious mission... The first volume (or "tome") is 25 pages long, all in full color. It wil be published for free in JPEG format on this site at the rate of one page per week (except the first 3 weeks which 'll have 2 pages to launch the story). The first page is here. The last page will be published mid august 2008. If you do not want to wait you can also buy now a downloadable, printable high quality PDF of the whole 25 pages for 1.99 €:

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